ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” - Soviet Menace of Air Defense

Описание к видео ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” - Soviet Menace of Air Defense

Hello and welcome

Today, we're gonna take a good look at the Soviet menace of air defense - the ZSU-23-4 "Shilka". With its name rooting from the Shilka river in Russia, this bad boy has seen action in several wars around the world such as several Arab-Israeli wars, the Soviet-Afghan war, the Syrian Civil war and many more.

While it was in action it completely ripped apart enemy aircraft which dared to cross the borders - but not just that - the Shilka was also used extensively to completely obliterate infantry positions (and people) as well.

And all of that is what we're gonna talk about today, so enjoy this video :)

- Bobi


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