"The Search for Missing Parents." From the historical archives of Concerned United Birthparents.

Описание к видео "The Search for Missing Parents." From the historical archives of Concerned United Birthparents.


In Lee Campbell's second appearance in March 1980 on the nationally syndicated "Donahue" Show, she joins host Phil Donahue to talk with adoptive parents, adoptees and birthmothers about their adoption reunion stories.

Again representing Concerned United Birthparents, Lee Campbell speaks about her own adoption reunion. She discusses the birthfather side of reunions. She explains that the need held by birthparents and adopted persons to search and reunite is a natural drive.

Adoptive parents, Carol and Ruth Clinkscales, now amicably divorced, appear with their adopted daughter, Lael. They talk about Lael's need to know her birthmother, Mary Hazelton Palermo. Ruth Clinkscales confides she had always known Mary's name and where she lived, as Ruth had worked in the attorney's office that had done the private adoption. Yet, Ruth admits she had withheld that information because she "was threatened." But Lael had grown "obsessed" after giving birth to her son and she contacted CUB after Lee Campbell's first appearance on "Donahue." Seeing her daughter's determination, Ruth shared with Lael what she knew. Lael's birthmother, Mary, adds her own story.

Donna Kirksey speaks about finding her natural mother, Ethel. Donna's father had separated Donna from her mother and Donna was raised by her step-mother. Phil Donahue facilitates Donna's on-screen reunion with her mother.

About Concerned United Birthparents (CUB).

Founded by Lee Campbell in 1976, CUB is the first, and the longest-lasting, organization in the world to support and advocate for mothers and fathers who lost children to the adoption industry. Along with CUB's ongoing focus on birthparents, today's CUB serves everyone affected by adoption. CUB believes that when feelings and experiences hidden behind adoption's façade are exposed, healing and wisdom follow.

On its website, CUB also makes available to members and eligible professionals more than 4,000 pages of its history. Meanwhile, Lee Campbell has captured some of this history in two books available on Amazon. "Stow Away: They told me to forget. And I did. Now my memory has mutiny in mind" and "Cast Off: They called us dangerous women. So we organized and proved them right."


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