Salespeople - Don’t Attend Business Conferences Without Watching This First!

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In this video, we're going to share with you the top 20 trade show sales tips that you need to know if you want to be successful selling at conferences. In particular when working a sponsor booth.

Trade show sales can be a huge opportunity for your business, but you need to know how to sell and market your products to meet the demands of the expo circuit.

Key insights

📅 Blocking off your calendar ahead of time and scheduling meetings with attendees can help maximize your time and networking opportunities at the trade show.

👕 If you're working a booth at the conference, wearing your company-branded t-shirt or jacket will make it clear to attendees that you work there and can help answer their questions.

😊 It's important to look approachable and ready to have a conversation at any moment when working a trade show booth.

💡 When attending business conferences, it's important to have meaningful conversations and ask questions to gather information before presenting your solution.

💡 Instead of solely focusing on the person's name and title, sales reps should show genuine interest in the prospect and their company, as anyone they speak with can potentially be an ally in closing a deal.

💼 Instead of relying on email, book a meeting with potential prospects right then and thereby send a calendar invite, increasing the likelihood of a response and a successful meeting.

🤝 Connecting with people on LinkedIn right after meeting them at a conference increases the chances of them accepting the connection request, as opposed to reaching out afterward when other sales reps are also trying to connect.

💤 Getting a good night's sleep and taking care of your physical well-being is crucial for performing your best at business conferences

#salestips #tradeshow #exposition


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