Behringer BC1200 7-piece Drum Microphone Set: Test 2 (The drums)

Описание к видео Behringer BC1200 7-piece Drum Microphone Set: Test 2 (The drums)

In this video, I mic up my drums for the first time.

You get to see some of the process and hear some of the results. (The raw recording, no effects added)

while this by no means is an educational video, I at least learned a few things along the way, and have a few ideas on how to improve next time.

1. Intro / Set Up 00:00:00
2. Some Information 00:01:15
3. Leveling 00:02:22
4. Playing The Drums 00:05:40
5. The Raw Recordings 00:07:30
6. Post Thoughts 00:09:28
7. drum recordings in a Mix 00:13:28

Next time I'll watch the Audio levels in my DAW instead of on the mixer, and actually listen to the incoming signal as well. and next time there will be not talking during the drum recording process.

any tips or tricks though, I'd be happy to hear it!

and as always, thanks for watching.


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