Nation Of Nothing - Circulus

Описание к видео Nation Of Nothing - Circulus

#avantgardemusic #experimentalmusic #coilmusic #industrialmusic #noyzmusic #noisemusic #throbbinggristle #neubauten #nursewithwound #industrialnoise #avantgardeart
Nation Of Nothing - Circulus
©dEadnAsty rEcords 2024
If you like what we're doing, Please Buy Us A Coffee, and help us to continue with new work.

Ambient noise with altered recorded audio dialogue.

We hope you enjoy it.

If you like what we're doing, please subscribe, to let us know. We really appreciate your support, and interest. We welcome open imaginations. Thank you, All.

Dedicated to music that challenges music.

film by Voltage Filter Cult
©dEadnAsty rEcords 2024

  / nation-of-nothing

  / voltage-filter-cult

Made with H.I. (Human Imagination)

Sound Art, Sound Artist, Avant Garde Music, Sound Art, Modern Art, Composer, Experimental Musician, Experimental Music, Elektronische Musik, Experimentelle Musik, Synthesizer Music, Lärm Musik, Noise, deadnastyrecords, Noise Music, Ambient Noise, Experimental Noise, nation of nothing, NON, voltage filter cult, dEadnAsty rEcords, art, art film, Industrial Music, unconventional art, unconventional, Electronic Music,

#avantgardemusic #soundart #soundartist #composer #experimentalmusician #experimentalmusic #elektronischeMusik #experimentelleMusik #synthesizermusic #Lärmmusik #noise #deadnastyrecords #noisemusic #ambientnoise #experimentalnoise #nationofnothing #NON #voltagefiltercult #dEadnAstyrEcords #art #artfilm #industrialmusic #unconventionalart #unconventional #electronicmusic


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