Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Voyager 1 Has Detected 500 Unknown Objects Passing By In Space"

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Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Voyager 1 Has Detected 500 Unknown Objects Passing By In Space"

Imagine a probe hurtling through the unimaginable vastness of space. It's seen things we can only dream of, such as the dance of gas giants and the swirling storms of alien moons. Now, after decades of exploration, Voyager 1 has a message. And astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is here to break it down. Voyager 1 has detected not one, not ten, but a staggering 500 unidentified objects whizzing by in the cosmic abyss. Are they asteroids we've never seen before? Wandering comets from another solar system? Or something else entirely? Join us as we unpack the mystery with Neil deGrasse Tyson. We'll explore the possibilities, ponder the implications, and ask the question that keeps astronomers up at night.

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