How Can I Download GIS Data from Maricopa County? |

Описание к видео How Can I Download GIS Data from Maricopa County? |

How Can I Download GIS Data from Maricopa County? Uncover the wealth of GIS data available for download from Maricopa County with our comprehensive guide! Discover how to access a variety of maps and services through the official Maricopa County website, including interactive parcel maps and tools like the Permit Viewer Tool and PlanNet. Dive deeper into specific GIS data using the PlanNet application for zoning, annexations, and more within the county. Explore the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) GIS Data Portal for datasets on geographic boundaries, transportation routes, demographics, and air quality monitoring. Delve into flood-related GIS data with the Maricopa County Flood Control District Maps & Services, offering FEMA 100-Year floodplains and elevation certificates. Unveil transportation and environmental maps, including road information and environmental health plan review districts. For personalized assistance or data requests, contact the Maricopa County GIS Mapping Team at 602-506-3301.

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