Artist Couture Diamond Glow Powder Review

Описание к видео Artist Couture Diamond Glow Powder Review

In this video I'm reviewing the Artist Couture Diamond Glow Powder from our June Boxycharm. If you're new and want to join the fun please subscribe!

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Melissa Joyce FAQ

Q: Is Melissa Joyce your real name?
A: Melissa is my first name and Joyce is my middle name - so yes!

Q: What qualifications do you have to review makeup and skincare?
A: Nothing formal but I've started to learn more about makeup and skincare over the last two years. I consider myself an amateur but an enthusiast and my reviews will help a non make-up artist see how a product might work for them.

Q: What is your real job?
A: I’ve been working in not-for-profit organizations for 15 years.

Q: What kind of skin concerns do you have?
A: My skin is combination where my T-zone gets oily. I have pores I would like to minimize and some skin redness. I’m also in my late 30s so wrinkles and anti-ageing is a concern. Oh and I do get break-outs from time to time. So I have a bit of everything!


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