〈Q Colour 童萌繪〉五款可愛生日卡片 簡易手繪DIY Birthday Card DIY

Описание к видео 〈Q Colour 童萌繪〉五款可愛生日卡片 簡易手繪DIY Birthday Card DIY

Hi~ 我是Vivian 很開心在這裡遇見你^^
希望這些影片 能讓對繪畫或是手作感興趣的人有些幫助,
希望 在看完影片後 也能試著做做看 然後和我分享
如果在製作上有什麼問題 也可以在底下留言給我

❤ Hey, I'm Vivian!☺ Glad to see you here! I really enjoy painting. On this channel, you'll find videos about watercolor painting, drawing, simple DIYs, and other tips & tricks related to art! Most of the videos are made for beginners and even non-artists, so everyone can experience the joy of art!

I post videos every week! So don't forget to subscribe and to turn on your notification so you don't miss anything!Let’s be friends.⭐⭐

by a way if you have any questions, feel free to comment down below!
Thank you so much for watching guys, have a wonderful day and see you next soon!

💗斜槓人生的LINE貼圖👉 https://store.line.me/stickershop/aut...
嘗試過各種不同腳色從神到人到狗 (整個跨很大@"@)
如果你對畫貼圖感興趣 也能在下面留言給我

💗再斜槓的姓名貼圖👉 https://store.line.me/stickershop/aut...
上面是姓名貼圖~可以找找看 有沒有你的名字

☞MAIL:[email protected]
如果有好康的 想拯救夾縫生存的我 歡迎來信🤣

🌟 Facebook: Q Colour 童萌繪
  / qcolour4928  
🌟 Instagram: q_colour39
  / q_colour39  

「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Aretes」是根據「Creative Commons Attribution」(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) 授權使用


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