HEBREW - EIN K'MALKENU ~ Micha'el Ben David Music Video Production Series * & English

Описание к видео HEBREW - EIN K'MALKENU ~ Micha'el Ben David Music Video Production Series * & English

HALELU-HU Ki L'Olam Chasdo! Praise Him for His Mercy Endures Forever!

Celebrating Eight AWE-some years of my own personal "Lech Lecha" from New York City all the Way to the holy & set-apart City of Jerusalem this time in 2004, and I've been upheld and sustained since by His Grace alone!

Having been personally sent & kept by the Holy One of Israel Himself, I bless YAH Who is my Strength and my Song and I gladly give Him ALL the Glory & Strength due to His Name alone; for He has ever been faithful to watch over His Word which concerns me, my life's Purpose and Destiny in Him. And just as He has promised to keep, safeguard, preserve and strengthen me in every season and at all times, in the good and the bad, in both the trying and the overcoming times, so He has done it for His Glory and He has made all things beautiful in His time!

And please Join me in Giving Him Thanks in this season & also in celebrating 8 full years of EmetZionMusic International Service & Ministry to YHVH & all His people internationally, beginning in Jerusalem and to the nations of the world! My Goal/Heart Desire is to fill the Earth with the Knowledge of YHVH/YESHUA as the waters cover the Sea so that many may truly know and love Him through the Proclamation of His Word, the Singing of the Songs of Zion and the Teaching of Torah in its Fullness by His Spirit/Ruach; bringing forth the Light that is found only in Mashiach Yeshua! "For out of Zion shall go forth TORAH and the Word of YHVH from Jerusalem!"

Enjoy this Beauty-Full Video of HaShem's Creation in every way and marvel at His Goodness towards all Mankind by Sending His Only Son, YESHUA, Who having taken the form of a Man has now become the Salvation of the whole world, the Jew being first; for salvation is found in no other than in Yeshua HaMashiach Ben David Ben Elohim alone! As it is written by the prophet Yeshayahu/Isaiah: "Behold El/God is my Salvation, I will trust & not be afraid; for Yah, YHVH, is my Strength and my Song; He has become unto me Yeshua(h) ~Salvation!" Isaiah 12:2

Yes, He's worked & brought forth Salvation to the Jew first and then also to all the tribes, tongues, kindred and nations of the world! His Blood still speaks greater than that of Abel or any other Tsakikim who ever lived and walked this side of eternity, for He is the Only & Ultimate Tsadik/Righteous, Flawless, Sinless One! Be richly blessed in this testing Season of Faith, via War, and Rumors of War whereby all that can be shaken will be shaken and only what is TOV/Good will remain! Be strong & Stay in the Faith by Remaining Faithful to the Faithful One, the Holy One of Israel, our Creator KING YHVH TSEVA'OT! Kadosh! Kadosh! KADOSH! [Isaiah 6] May the whole earth be filled with His Glory!

Happy Thanks-Giving Day to all today & every Day until age 120 B"H, all the Way into ETERNITY living a Torah life in Yeshua HaMashiach!

Special thanks to my God & King and to all who were and are involved in making this Music Video a beautiful and a glorious success! And holy shout outs especially to my Music Production partner Phil Rogers, Thomas Tapp & Jorge Arciniega of Seed Media, Art Mathias & Pat Hadley of Wellspring Ministries, Robert and Janice Coulter and all my holy friends in Anchorage Alaska and throughout the world! Shalom, shalom to all peoples and nations of the world, from the City of the Great KING, Jerusalem/Yerushalaim, the City of Peace! And no matter what you see or hear: Peace / SHALOM is her Destiny, her Inheritance! So pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and all Israel.....

Yours truly & with His great Love,

Micha'el Eliyahu Ben David,
His Beloved Messenger!


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