A Complete Guide To The Second Sea - Blox Fruits

Описание к видео A Complete Guide To The Second Sea - Blox Fruits

In this video, I will give you a COMPLETE guide to the second sea in blox fruits, covering things you should get, and explaining everything in depth.

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🎵 MUSIC ──────────
1st Song: Dreamer - Roa Music
2nd Song: Eternity - Roa Music
3rd Song: Start - Roa Music
4th Song: Lights - Roa Music
5th Song: Reflection - Roa Music
6th Song: Omoide - Roa Music
7th Song: Melody - Roa Music
8th Song: Care - Roa Music
9th Song: Innocence - Roa Music
   / @roamusic  

Outro Song: Drip Fruits - Pum
   / @pum8881  

0:00 Intro
0:17 Levelling Guide
0:57 Fragments
2:12 Raids & Awakenings
6:55 Buddha Fruit
8:16 Trading
9:44 Swan Glasses
11:22 Race V2 & V3
14:57 New Races
15:53 New Fighting Styles
19:07 Raid Bosses & Chat Texts
22:11 Sea Events
23:29 Haki Colors
24:53 True Triple Katana
25:55 Dark Blade V3
27:19 Third Sea
28:30 Outro

tags (ignore)
#bloxfruits #roblox #robloxbloxfruits #seabeast #roblox #recommended #recommend #buddha #observation #grinding #secondsea #secondseaguide #guide


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