The FAMILY in Italian: let's talk about family members

Описание к видео The FAMILY in Italian: let's talk about family members

In this video I'll teach you how to call your family members in Italian.
You'll learn some basic Italian words to talk about your family, like mother (madre), father (padre), brother (fratello), sister (sorella) and so on.

You'll also see that the term "parente" is not used with the meaning of parents but means relatives.

But this lesson is not just a list of Italian words. At the end of the video, I'll give you some easy sentences that you can use to talk about your family.

Careful on how you use the articles and the possessive adjectives when you speak of your family members.

Would you say: "tuo padre" "il tuo padre"?

Watch the video to find it out!
Here you are some other lessons that can help you learn Italian:

1. Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns in Italian: MY, MINE, YOUR(S), OUR, THEIR, ....
   / xk3lxpz-9i  

2. Sound "GN" in ITALIAN: are you saying it right?
   • Sound "GN" in ITALIAN: are you saying...  

3. The SECRET to say the sound "GLI" in Italian
   • The SECRET to say the sound "GLI" in ...  

4. ITALIAN NUMBERS: let's count together up to 20
   • ITALIAN NUMBERS: let's count together...  


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