UMvC3: Beginner's Guide - Basics; Movement

Описание к видео UMvC3: Beginner's Guide - Basics; Movement

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

Here I begin my own UMvC3 beginner's guide. I will try to cover as many topics as I can through these and I will try to answer any questions you have about the game.

I already have recorded most of the footage and I am mainly just editing them at the moment. I am hoping to get the next one up within the next couple of days.

As for more details about what topics I will be discussing, I have sorted them into two categories: Basics and Advanced. Basics will cover the relatively necessary information for a newbie to understand and get better at the game, such as Movement, Basic Attacks, X-Factor, Team Synergy, etc.

While Advanced will cover topics that are more advanced such as Hit Confirming, Frame Advantages, Hit Stun Deterioration, Damage Scaling, etc. These will go into more detail

I am hoping to get out an In-Depth Character Tutorial that will cover a character's movement options, damaging combos and practical BnBs, match-ups, useful assists to back them up, and overall strategy when using that character. At the moment though, I can safely say X-23 is the only character that I could make one of since she's the only character that I have actually sat down and took the time to learn her. I will be accepting help though, if anyone is interested.


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