
Описание к видео Vincent

I believe it was 1975 when I first heard my friend Doug Hall play this song. It just so happened, my father was with me. He was very familiar with it. My father asked me to learn it for him. But it was way over my head at 13 years old. My friend Doug used chords that looked like they came from outer space. But all the same, I thought just maybe I could come up with something and surprise my dad for his birthday. But he unexpectedly passed away before I made that happen. I then just basically put the song out of my mind. Through the years, it just seemed to keep popping up. So I began to work on it again. Never expected to ever play it for anyone. But then I decided I would make good on my promise. My father would have turned 99 years old today. It might have taken me a while, but this is my attempt at Vincent for my Dad.


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