Opening 2,500 Dragon Bash Prize Coffers | GW2

Описание к видео Opening 2,500 Dragon Bash Prize Coffers | GW2

Opening 2,500 Dragon Bash Prize Coffers from the Dragon Bash festival! More details further down the video description.


68,750 Pieces of Zhaitaffy
507 Branded Geodermites
516 Noxious Seed Pouches
517 Gilded Coffers
469 Gilded Strongboxes(1)
491 Gilded Strongboxes(2)

25 Dragonbone Weapons:
1 Dragonbone Axe
2 Dragonbone Greatswords
2 Dragonbone Longbows
1 Dragonbone Short Bow
4 Dragonbone Shields
2 Dragonbone Daggers
2 Dragonbone Pistols
2 Dragonbone Hammers
2 Dragonbone Swords
2 Dragonbone Blunderbusses
2 Dragonbone Maces
2 Dragonbone Warhorns
1 Dragonbone Scepter

💰 [Total Worth] 💰
Gold: 847
Luck: 103,430
Karma: 1,950

Profit: 222g
Profit with TP fees: 100g

Total does not include the worth of Piles of Bloodstone Dust (looted inside the champion bags)

Average worth of 1 Dragon Bash Prize Coffer is 33.88s
Odds of looting a Dragonbone weapon are 1%

#guildwars2 #gw2 #trutichup


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