Szászcsávás band: Amit tudok (Full CD) 1998

Описание к видео Szászcsávás band: Amit tudok (Full CD) 1998

Finally found the first part of this unique recording of the Szászcsávás band which was published 1998 by Hungarian dance Ensemble "Figurás" in Switzerland under: Szászcsávás zenekar: "Amit tudok" (what i know).

In this 45 min recording the 3 fantastic violinists lead by Jámbor István "Dumnezeu" are playing traditional Hungarian folk music from the region Kis-Küküllő separately and together so each violinist can show his own "style/personality" for each of the melodies.

The musicians are playing a pair dance from this region: Csárdás, Féloláhos, Székely Verbunk, Szökő

Violin: Jámbor Ferenc (Dumnezeu), Mezei Levente (Leves), Csányi Sándor
Viola: Jámbor Ferenc (Tocsila), Mezei Ferenc (Csángáló)
Double bass: Csányi Mátyás

Recorded: January 1998 in Bern, organized by the Figurás Hungarian dance ensemble in Bern

Quality issues: Some seconds are missing at the start and in the middle because of technical problems during the recording


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