Star Trek Infinite: Session 2 (Federation) - How to get started.

Описание к видео Star Trek Infinite: Session 2 (Federation) - How to get started.

Where's session one?! Well, that always a rather faltering run-through the tutorial, learning concepts and details, where as this starts afresh and puts those things into play. Session 2 is a better jumping-in point for this new game, so it's where the star trek infinite journey truly begins.

This is a fresh start with The Federation. Picking up immediately after The Khitomar Massacre, we select to play as The Federation and strive to lead our civilisation to greatness through scientific prowess and powerful diplomacy.

Star Trek Infinite is a complex game and it can seem overwhelming at first. This is primarily a look at how to get started and begin making progress in The Galaxy, including an explaination of the numerous facets and features of the game. -- Watch live at   / realscotticus  


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