Martin Willing "Vertigo angustior. What's happened in the last 40 years?" April 2023

Описание к видео Martin Willing "Vertigo angustior. What's happened in the last 40 years?" April 2023

In this talk we hear from Dr. Martin Willing about the tiny Narrow-mouthed Whorl Snail Vertigo angustior in South Wales, a story starting in Swansea in 1830. The snail was first found living in the country on the Gower peninsula in 1983, with the talk describing the work that has been undertaken there over the last 40 years. A particular focus covers the 5-years since 2018, a period when many new discoveries have considerably enlarged our understanding of the snail’s distribution and local habitat preferences. Martin has extensive experience of studying Vertigo species throughout Britain over the last 40 years.

Find out more about the distribution of this species:

This talk was delivered to Conchological Society members on 15th April 2023

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