Understanding Mediation in a Personal Injury Case

Описание к видео Understanding Mediation in a Personal Injury Case

In this video, we will discuss mediation as a process for resolving personal injury cases without going to trial. A neutral third party, usually a retired judge or attorney, acts as a mediator to help the parties involved reach a mutually acceptable settlement. Your attorney will prepare a legal brief summarizing the case, including liability issues, medical care, damages, and case law.

During the mediation, you will be with your attorney in one room, while the defendant, insurance company representatives, and defense counsel will be in another room. The mediator will go back and forth between the rooms, gathering information and settlement numbers from each side.

We will discuss how the mediation process works and what to expect during the mediation. We will also address some common misconceptions about mediation, including the role of the mediator and the confidentiality of the process. Ultimately, the decision to settle or not will be yours, and the mediator's suggestions are not legally enforceable.

If you are facing a personal injury case, understanding mediation can help you make informed decisions about your case. Watch this video to learn more about mediation and how it can help you reach a settlement that works for everyone.


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