President Niinistö at Finnish Defence Forces' Equipment Display | Helsinki, Flag Day on June 4, 2022

Описание к видео President Niinistö at Finnish Defence Forces' Equipment Display | Helsinki, Flag Day on June 4, 2022

Puolustusvoimain lippujuhlan päivän valtakunnallinen paraati järjestettiin 4.6.2022 Helsingissä. Ohjelmassa oli mukana myös kalustonäyttely Kansalaistorilla. Tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistö kävi tutustumassa kalustonäyttelyyn ja jutteli joukkojen kanssa.

Helsinki hosted national parade on the Flag Day of the Finnish Defence Forces on June 4, 2022. The programme also included an equipment display by the Finnish Defence Forces and other security authorities at the Kansalaistori square between the Helsinki Music Centre and new Central Library Oodi, across the street from the Parliament of Finland.

Finns, including President Sauli Niinistö and Defence Minister Antti Kaikkonen, and tourists enjoyed the defence display and lovely day. Soldiers’ Home Canteen (Sotilaskoti or Sotku) sold popular donuts and other refreshments at their salespoints.

The equipment display featured among others:
Main Battle Tank Leopard 2A6
Surface-to-Air Missile 12 NASAMS II FIN Launcher
Armoured Personnel Carrier XA-360
Armoured Personnel Carrier SISU XA-185
Infantry Fighting Vehicle CV9030
Armoured Mortar Vehicle XA-361
Tactical Patrol Vehicle RG32M
Heavy Rocket Launcher 298 RSRAKH 06
Armoured Howitzer 155 PSH K9
Armoured Personnel Carrier XA-300
Anti-Ship Missile 85

The national parade was participated by units from the Finnish Army, Finnish Navy, and Finnish Air Force, Finnish National Defence University, Finnish Border Guard, as well as representatives from national veterans’ and national defence associations. Altogether, the parade was attended by up to more than 1,600 personnel, over 40 vehicles and 15 aircraft, as well as an inter-agency canine detachment.

The parade was reviewed by President of Finland Sauli Niinistö accompanied by Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces, General Timo Kivinen.

The Finnish Defence Forces secures Finland’s territorial integrity, the livelihood and basic rights of its population and the freedom of action of the government, as well as defends the rule of law.


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