Rare Heirloom Tomatoes (16 Varieties)

Описание к видео Rare Heirloom Tomatoes (16 Varieties)

On this video I'm sharing with you one particular greenhouse of Heirloom Tomatoes on "harvesting day" .... Some of these tomatoes are still green, but are at the "right green-stage" for harvesting to continue to ripen in their storage boxes. These particular Heirlooms were only stripped down for the purpose of easy viewing of our tomatoes for some clients just a few days before harvesting. I also share info. on first time planting varieties and what to expect. Half of the Heirloom Tomatoes shown in this greenhouse were first time planting varieties that can have small yields on first time planting. Usually, on a first planting, you will get anywhere from 1-10 tomatoes in range with usually an average of 8. Every year when you plant from your "own seed"... your yield, your plants robustness, and flavor will greatly improve. So, the lesson here is... don't give up so quick on a variety on the first time planting if they don't come out great in flavor, as they will develop and improve with time both in flavor and yield. Save your seeds to adapt to your soil. Growing Heirloom Tomatoes is a test in patience, as they need to adapt to your soil and ever changing weather temperature each year. Correction: "Chocolate Stripe" is actually a copper to dark red color with a dark green stripe. Under an indoor light you will see a metallic golden sheen over the entire tomato especially seen under tungsten lighting ... The "Green Yellow Stripe" I meant to say, is different from the "Green Zebra" in flavor as well as the inside flesh coloring... The Green Yellow Stripe is much more vibrant on the inside having a beautiful blue- green gel... It is in my opinion a better and sweeter tomato than the Green Zebra. Hope you enjoy this video...


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