Spending Time on Spent Nuclear Fuel with the Department of Energy

Описание к видео Spending Time on Spent Nuclear Fuel with the Department of Energy

The long-term management of spent nuclear fuel remains a fundamental challenge for future and current nuclear power generation in the US. However, the Department of Energy has begun to engage on this topic in new and potentially innovative ways within existing authority in the hopes of breaking what has been a long established logjam. Recently installed as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition at the Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy, Paul Murray joins former ANS President Steve Nesbit for a candid conversation around the future and status of nuclear waste management in this country.

This webinar took place February 12, 2024.

Featured Guest:
Paul Murray
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition
Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy

Steve Nesbit
Founder, LMNT Consulting
ANS Past President (2021-22)


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