【英國皇家屬地】曼島考察之旅 x EP2 住屋交通及醫療篇|Exploring the Isle of Man: Housing, Transportation, Medical Care

Описание к видео 【英國皇家屬地】曼島考察之旅 x EP2 住屋交通及醫療篇|Exploring the Isle of Man: Housing, Transportation, Medical Care

說起移居曼島,不少朋友都會比較關注島上的住屋環境,交通安排和醫療設施。 今集會帶大家看看當地的住屋,了解這裡的房地產市場;看看島上的交通,特別是大家關注的出入境問題;以及很榮幸專訪到Manx Care的行政總裁,與大家詳細介紹島上全面的醫療服務。

Manx Care是曼島版的NHS,為島上居民和簽證人士提供全面的免費醫療服務。如果你是醫護人員,島上還有不少相關的就業機會,包括醫生、護士(註冊護士/非註冊護士)、臨床助理和社工等,是一個不錯的職場,我還認識了在這裡工作的香港人呢~

Join us in this episode as we delve into the essentials of living on the Isle of Man. We'll showcase the local property, giving you a glimpse into the island's real estate market. Discover the transportation options available, with a spotlight on immigration matters. Plus, don't miss our exclusive interview with the CEO of Manx Care, unveiling the comprehensive medical services offered on the island.

Manx Care, the Isle of Man's equivalent of the NHS, offers free medical services to residents and visa holders. Medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, clinical assistants, and social workers, will find abundant job opportunities here. It's a fantastic workplace environment, and we even met a Hong Kong resident working here.

Once again, we extend our sincere gratitude to the Isle of Man Government for the invitation and collaboration on this insightful video series. Join us as we uncover the housing, transportation, and medical care on this self-governing British Crown dependency.

🇮🇲✨You can find more information about the Isle of Man on the website below:
   / @locateisleofman4150  

🏡✨Special credit to our Airbnb host, Westminister Residence! Check them out at: https://www.westres.im

#移民英國 #英國皇家屬地 #曼島 #馬恩島
#IsleofMan #IOM #Housing #Transportation #Medical


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