COMPLETED ENGLISH Pokemon GBA With GEN 9, Mega Evolution, 4 Regions, Play As Rocket, Quests & More!

Описание к видео COMPLETED ENGLISH Pokemon GBA With GEN 9, Mega Evolution, 4 Regions, Play As Rocket, Quests & More!

COMPLETED ENGLISH Pokemon GBA With GEN 9, Mega Evolution, 4 Regions, Play As Rocket, Quests & More!

**Cover Details**
Author's Name ➔ ‪@dragonsdentv6197‬ ‪@DragonsdenPower-hk5ug‬
Name ➔ Pokemon Team Rocket Edition

**Change Log (DLC UPDATE) + ENG v1**
➔English Translation. (NEW)

➔Added Gen 9.
➔Base Improvments.
➔Story Continuation.
➔DLC Content
➔Added Mega Evolution System!
➔The Main Game Story Gets More Darker!
➔New Unique Custom Mega & Primal Forms!
➔The Game Exceeds More Than 70 Hours Now!
➔New 20-30 Maps In Kanto, Sevii & Some In Johto Too!
➔More Than 800 Trainer Will Battle You Now!
➔Chance Capture Kanto-Johto Pokemons Except Legendary!
➔New Graphical Changes Were Given In The Game!
➔Unlock Pokemon Mutation At Rocket Headquaters!
➔Explore Unown Guradians Caves & Dark Mysteries!
➔Challenge Legendary's From 1-9 Generations!
➔New Sprites For Custom Forms & MissingNO Was Added!
➔Existence Of Generation VI Items.
➔New Move sets From 4th Gen - 7th Gen.
➔Player Can (Run Indoors) System Added.
➔Forgettable HM's & Use Infinite TM's Every time.
➔And Much More To See In The Game! Play Now!
➔Ability To EV Train Your Pokemon In Certain Point.
➔Added Physical/Special Division System Like 4th Gen.
➔Pokemon Can Evolve Without Link Cable By Leveling Up.
➔Basic Pokemon Stats Have Been Improved In The Game.

***Official Source:    / @dragonsdentv6197  

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**Copyright Disclaimer**
The provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. This video respected that because it's actually from my own experience of the game to share it but also I want people advice, criticism, comment about improving my content but also what they love about these and which one is the best from their own opinions. So now I hope you understand! Don't claim my video without reading the law of fair use! Please Support the official franchise!

**Artwork Credits**
➔Background Layout Pictures Were Designed By Artist Ishmam.

**Song Credits**
Track ➔ Route 24 (Pokémon Remix) - Ramstar
Music provided by ➔ @Zakram
Watch ➔    • Route 24 (Pokémon Remix) - Ramstar / ...  


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