Sari and Megatron- Phantom of the Opera

Описание к видео Sari and Megatron- Phantom of the Opera

My last minute contest entry for Strawberrytop007's contest.

I know what you're thinking right off the bat, "Megatron and Sari? Umm... ew!" well lets just get one thing clear, THIS IS SO NOT A PAIRING VIDEO. Sorry about that but I just wanted to be clear about that matter. I personally STILL believe she is Megatron's daughter but that's just my beliefs and will probably stay that way even if proven otherwise.
I just thought I'd do a song from a musical my mom liked and put 2 of my favorite characters in it (also because the whole thing in the movie where it was said her father sent her an angel of music and other indepth things like that) and I thought Megatron was the best fitting for the roll of the Phantom anyways so that's why I used him.

I wasn't aiming to win but rather just to participate in it so ENJOY =D


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