Tips for a driving test approaching roundabouts and junctions in an articulated C+E lorry or truck

Описание к видео Tips for a driving test approaching roundabouts and junctions in an articulated C+E lorry or truck

Negating a junction or island can be difficult in any vehicle, especially something as big as a Class 1 truck with limited visibility and space.

Look at any road signs on approach and the position of each exit on the sign. Use your mirror, reduce your speed and apply a signal if you are turning.

Continue to check all around the vehicle for other road users, pedestrians and streets furniture like signs to keep you and everyone else safe.

Position yourself correctly allowing room for your rear end swing, head board and any other projections from the vehicle. Continue to use all around observation.

Look for road markings, these are usually the best way of understanding which lane is the best for you.

Control your speed, ideally you will not have to stop and can flow through the junction. But you must be ready to stop if you have any obstructions or lack of space.

Safety is always the highest priority. If you use the wrong lane or position yourself incorrectly do not panic. Assess the safest thing to do, this is often remaining in the wrong lane and going the wrong way.


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