SQL for fun and profit

Описание к видео SQL for fun and profit

Want to learn more SQLite? Check out the full course: https://highperformancesqlite.com.

Recursive CTEs (common table expressions) are really powerful, and actually useful! In this video, I demonstrate how to use a recursive CTE in SQLite to identify a missing order from an orders table, showcasing a practical solution to a common business problem. This technique is not only powerful for maintaining data integrity but also impressively versatile for various scenarios, such as filling gaps in sequences like dates or numbers.

Check out Turso for SQLite in production: https://tur.so/af.

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Check out the article version of this video: https://aaronfrancis.com/2024/finding...

00:00 Recursive CTE in SQLite
00:31 Orders Table Set-Up
01:55 Find Missing Order using Recursive CTE
05:40 When to Use Recursive CTE


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