
Описание к видео 2018-Jan-20

0:00 Singapore 新加坡#文揚龍獅體育協會
13:23 Hong Kong 香港#郭氏功夫金龍醒獅團
26:36 Malaysia 馬來西亞#耶耶亞哇洪仙大帝廟龍隊
38:43 Hong Kong 香港#洪鳳派國術總會舞龍隊
50:23 Taiwan 台灣#彰化縣#芳苑國中舞龍隊
1:01:37 Japan 日本#神戶市#立兵庫商業高等學校龍獅團
1:12:57 Philippines 菲律賓武術協會#明勝文揚
1:24:50 China #中國龍獅運動協會#廣州工人醒獅協會#穗保龍獅團
1:35:56 Macau #澳門舞龍代表隊
1:47:08 Indonesia #印尼全國龍獅總會

This video is made by HongKongMap production team
Please support me, https://www.paypal.me/hongkongmap
My name is Dennis. In 2009, I opened this channel to record or document this city. I know something is being changed in next decade(s), or I felt the change have began since 2003, no later in 2046. I want to, at least, save some kind of city life in video form instead of taken photo or written in words. I strongly believe that motion picture and sound recording are much better way to preserve and present in the future when young generation want to get know of Hong Kong.


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