The old man and the sea. Every human needs to hear his story. A story of real abundance.

Описание к видео The old man and the sea. Every human needs to hear his story. A story of real abundance.

Baya Cherif, one of the most beautiful and inspiring souls I know. The anchor of hundreds of teenagers, men, women, elders,... "in Morocco's ocean." Born by the sea, raised with the sea, instead of going to school, he fished with his father and later alone, embarked on the Green March, and built a hut from pallets and tarps here on the beach of Awrir, Morocco, 50 years ago. When there was nothing and no one around him. Since then, he has lived here modestly with his dogs. He has practically taught every child in the area to swim, and crafted bodyboards out of nails and foam for the poorest, so they can surf instead of falling into bad habits. He's a social worker, father, diplomat, and mediator. His little boat still lies beside his hut, even though he hasn't been able to take it out for a while. Every morning, he walks along the beach with his dogs in the rising sun, collecting everything the sea brings in. "So nobody is sad if they've lost something and can come pick it up from me," he says. His little hut is full of sunglasses, surf fins, diving masks, and anything else that somehow found its way into the sea and then into his hands. The ocean sustains him, and the contact with the people who visit him daily keeps him young. His dogs protect him. But apparently, no one can protect him from what's happening in Morocco right now. All the houses along the coast without papers have been and are still being "removed." So many people and destinies are attached to it. When they'll come, nobody knows. That they'll come, Cherif knows now through an official paper, too. He will be "removed", as anyone else. Why? Because the coast has become one big construction site for tourism, with even more hotels being built. So many questions and no satisfactory answers. All people have, as ever, is trust. That everything will happen as it should. And to absorb the sea in every second, while it can still be their life. If we all had Cherifs wisdom, maybe the world could heal. If you know him, please share in the comments, what he means to you! It would me the world to me and I am sure you will make him smile too.


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