PUT-IN-BAY with KIDS! What to do and where to go in Put-In-Bay, Ohio with KIDS or WITHOUT.

Описание к видео PUT-IN-BAY with KIDS! What to do and where to go in Put-In-Bay, Ohio with KIDS or WITHOUT.

What to do in Put-in-Bay, Ohio with kids! What ferry to use, Miller Ferry, free parking, how long does it take to get to Put in bay, where to rent a golf cart, where to eat, The Forge, outdoor dining, rootbeer at Frosty Bar, South Bass Island Lighthouse, where to picnic, tours, Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, best view of Put in Bay, Crystal Cave, wine tasting, Heineman's winery.

Links below...
Video about Passport to your National Parks    • PASSPORT TO YOUR NATIONAL PARKS with ...  
Go here for Perry's Victory Memorial info. https://www.nps.gov/pevi/index.htm
Link for Crystal Cave and Heineman Winery http://heinemanswinery.com/
Frosty's https://www.frostys.com/
The Forge http://theforgepib.com/
South Bass Island Lighthouse https://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/visit/so...
E's Put-In-Bay Golf Carts https://www.esputinbaygolfcarts.com/
Miller Ferry https://www.millerferry.com/


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