The Cup | Alvaro Lopez

Описание к видео The Cup | Alvaro Lopez

Our friend, Alvaro Lopez shares a sermon titled 'The Cup'. The sermon reflects on the grace and mercy of God, likening believers to different types of vessels—gold, silver, and clay. He emphasizes that regardless of the vessel’s material, God fills each one with real wine, symbolizing His divine grace. The message challenges the us to recognize that the true issue lies not in what God gives but in the attitude of the vessel receiving it.

He also speaks about trials, likening them to moments when we feel like broken vessels, yet reminding us that God uses even the most fragile vessels for His glory. Alvaro encourages us to endure difficulties, trusting that God will bring blessing and multiplication in due time. The reminder is that God doesn’t avoid challenges to form our character but instead uses them to manifest His grace and power.
Date: September 29, 2024

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