OC Night Market 2019 | Is this the Best Night Market?

Описание к видео OC Night Market 2019 | Is this the Best Night Market?

Today we venture far and away from our home in San Diego (actually not that far) as we visit the OC Night Market for their last weekend of the 2019 season. This night market is produced by the same folks who produce the 626 Night Market so many of the vendors are the same but there were other vendors that we have not seen or eaten from before. All in all, it was a great and fun event with lots of food and fanfare.


Song: 40 Love by Ooyy
From: Epidemic Sound

Song: Akiva by ATISOUND
From: Epidemic Sound

Song: Fine oN My Own (Instrumental Version) by Gamma Skies
From: Epidemic Sound
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#foodiea1c #ocnightmarket #626nightmarket


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