Inline Figure Skating Jumps PART ONE | Inline Figure Skating Coach

Описание к видео Inline Figure Skating Jumps PART ONE | Inline Figure Skating Coach

Currently building a BRAND New Skating Company called ONE Blades:
ONE Blades is an Ice, Inline & Quad skating company, delivering innovative, industry-disrupting products through modern direct-to-consumer business models. Amplified by affiliate marketing strategies, allowing skaters to share in our success.
Find me here: In this video, I will be covering the first three jumps in figure skating.

1 - Waltz jump
2 - Salchow
3 - Toe-loop


SUBTITLES ON if you find it hard to hear it would like to translate to another language.

Please contact me for more info on the availability of working directly with me: [email protected]
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