Megamorphix Unboxing + Review

Описание к видео Megamorphix Unboxing + Review

In this video we explore a cube that doesn't get to be seen very often at all.

This cube was designed by a man named Traiphum and he lives in Thailand. This cube is called the megamorphix. Along with this cube, there are also 3, 5, 6, and 7 layered version. The 3 layered one is called the mastermorphix, 5 layers is the ultramorphix, 6 layers is the hexaphobic and the 7 layered one seems to be just called the 7 layer morphix.

This puzzle is hand crafted. The cube that Traiphum used is the shengshou 4x4 version 1 and it glides so smoothly. I have never had a hand made puzzle before so this is a first for me. The quality of this puzzle is amazing. Even though the cube had bee cut at some points and then every piece has been built up with epoxy sculpt, the pieces look as if they had been made by a machine. Traiphum is a human puzzle machine. The level of professionalism is astounding and far exceeds any expectations I had of this puzzle.

Not only does this puzzle feel and look great, but it's incredibly fun solve. It can be tricky for sure because it's a 4 sided puzzle that acts like a 6 sided puzzle, is a super cube, is a shape modification of a 4x4 and has all the 4x4 parity PLUS an added hidden parity that only a puzzle like this can have and if you don't catch it in the beginning of the solve you will be stuck at the end.

I paid 6,300BHT for this which roughly converts to $227.XX CDN. Money well spent in my opinion.

If you are looking to purchase a puzzle like this, you can contact Traiphum. You can find him on YouTube here:

Thanks for watching.


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