Unexplained Grief | The Pruning Process | OUTSIDE OF EDEN The Podcast

Описание к видео Unexplained Grief | The Pruning Process | OUTSIDE OF EDEN The Podcast

I hope your day is going well!
This episode I talk about the mini deaths we incur in the walk with Christ, through the process of Sanctification. Throughout this life we will have many changes that we don't understand. Changes in health, time, circumstances, friendships, relationships, changes in our children, changes in our way of living, change in career, change in behavior, changes in our adversary.
I talk the mini losses that we endure, in order to become more like a Christ so that the Kingdom of God may come to earth. Thank you for tuning into this episode , peace be with you !

#PRUNINGPROCESS #pruningprocess #becomingmorelikeChrist #Grievingloss #Newwayoflife #Santification #Enduringloss #Howtogrieveproperly #Contimatedwells #Grievingfriendships #Grievingrelationships #brokenhearted


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