Starship Troopers - Terran Command | Urban Onslaught DLC (Brutal Difficulty, No Commentary)

Описание к видео Starship Troopers - Terran Command | Urban Onslaught DLC (Brutal Difficulty, No Commentary)

"Fight your way through 9 new missions in the Urban Onslaught campaign to defend the great city of Mahanagar.A ferocious Arachnid onslaught has swept through the city’s suburbs, completely overwhelming local police forces. Never before did they face such a massive and meticulously orchestrated assault. Majestic boulevards and towering skyscrapers are reduced to rubble as the Bug hordes encroach upon the central districts. The very homes of our citizens are now in grave peril…"

Hello Guys !
This is a full campaign walkthrough of the new Urban Onslaught DLC for Starship Troopers - Terran Command on Brutal Difficulty. Hope you will enjoy it 🙂
If you want to see my other walkthroughs, check out my Full Game Walkthroughs (No Commentary) playlist :
   • Full Game Walkthroughs (No Commentary)  

Ez a teljes kampány végigjátszása az új Urban Onslaught DLCnek a Starship Troopers - Terran Commandhoz, Brutal nehézségi szinten. Remélem tetszeni fog 🙂
Ha szeretnétek látni a többi végigjátszásomat is, itt található a Full Game Walkthroughs (No Commentary) playlist :
   • Full Game Walkthroughs (No Commentary)  

#starshiptroopersterrancommand #urbanonslaught #strategy #rts #fullgame

00:00 Mission 1. - Protect and Serve
30:03 Mission 2. - Railway Rendezvous
1:20:53 Mission 3. - Traffic Stop
1:55:39 Mission 4. - Burning Bridges
2:41:06 Mission 5. - Death From Above
3:26:36 Mission 6. - Changing Tides
4:23:29 Mission 7. - Flight Control
5:02:45 Mission 8. - Tightening The Noose
5:46:28 Mission 9. - Brain Drain
6:30:00 Outro & Credits


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