Korlátko Castle from Buková dam - Mild terrain but under the scorching sun

Описание к видео Korlátko Castle from Buková dam - Mild terrain but under the scorching sun

Through forests and meadows, towards the castle with the view of the Borská Nížina lowland, some orchards, the village of Buková and back to the water reservoir, this is how our route could be characterized in short. All this was complemented by the backdrop of the Little Carpathians in the east. As it was a warm August day, the sun was fierce, but we were lucky that it was hiding behind the clouds at times. Along the way, there was an opportunity to snack on fruit, either forest or gone wild. Because of the heat, we also stopped at two pubs to refill our water supplies, the spring near Kanichovská kopanica was not potable. The route through Hrubý Kamenec led partly through the forest, so in case of heat it is probably better to choose this one - along the blue route and not turn to the green one.

Buková - Hrubý Kamenec - Chata Rozbehy - Korlátko - Rozbehy - Padielky - Turistický rozcestník Cerová- Rozbehy - Turistický rozcestník Buková - Buková Rázcestie - Mikulášsky potok - Detské ihrisko Buková - Krčma Buková

Route: https://sk.mapy.cz/s/rabazatase
Distance: ~16 km
Elevation difference: ~ 450 m
Terrain: forest and meadow trails and asphalt roads, almost half of the route unshaded, except for a few steep sections flat terrain Difficulty: undemanding


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