SHRILL THIN TOP NOTES??? I don't think so!

Описание к видео SHRILL THIN TOP NOTES??? I don't think so!

"The Head Voice, when its value is properly appreciated, is the most valuable possession of all singers. It should not be treated as a Cinderella, or as a last resort - as if often done too late and so without results, because too much time is needed to regain it, when once lost, - but should be cherished and cutivated as a guardian angel and guide, like no other. Without its aid all voices (voice registers) lack brilliancy and carrying power; they are like a head without brain. Only by constantly summoning it to the aid of all other registers is the singer able to keep his voice fresh and youthful. Only by a careful application of it do we gain that power of endurance which enable us to meet the most fatiguing demands. By it alone can we effect a complete equalization of the whole compass of all voices, and extend that compass. This is the great secret of those singers who keep their voices young till they reach an advanced age."

LEHMANN, Lilli, ALDRICH, Richard, How to Sing, Macmillan, 1914


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