Assassins Creed: The Ezio Trilogy - Perfection (Retrospective)

Описание к видео Assassins Creed: The Ezio Trilogy - Perfection (Retrospective)

Assassins Creed has been on of the most impactful game series on me throughout my entire life. From the very beginning, the story of Altair, I've consistently cherished this franchise through ups and downs, high's and lows, masterpieces, and disasters.
But nothing quite epitomises my love for the series more than the three most widely revered games in the series, Assassins Creed 2, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, and Assassins Creed Revelations, or, as their better know, the ezio trilogy. The amount of sheer hours of playtime I've put into this now iconic trilogy of games is probably sickening to most, as I've witnessed the story of ezio auditore from his birth to his death, probably about a dozen times as we enter 2020.

After the success of ubisofts prince of Persia spin-off, assassins creed, released in 2007, the company made the decision to move forward with a sequel, entrusting patrice desilets to potentially manifest the original game into a fully fledged franchise. And after assassins creed 2 released on the 17th of November 2009, it was safe to say, desilets succeeded. Not only did assassins creeds successor act as a near perfect sequel to the first, but it came entrenched in the gaming community as one of the best insular games of all time.

What ubisoft were able to do in 2010, to put it very simply, was a miracle. Not only for what it did for the assassins creed franchise, not only for what it did for the stories of both ezio and Desmond, but also, for the time in which ubisoft created what i believe to be their greatest game ever. Seemingly straight after the critically astounding release of assassins creed 2, Patrice Desilets and his team got to work, and in less than a year, were able to create their magnum opus. In less than a year they were able to create a second consecutive masterpiece of gaming, another financial and critical success. They were able to create... assassins creed brotherhood

Revelations ending, in a vacuum, may be my favourite moment from the entire Assassins Creed Franchise, and to say what came after was a disappointment would be a heavy understatement. This trilogy allowed for so much to be done moving forward, with so much potential, but ubisoft, in their need for profits, continuously pumped out underdeveloped games until the lore became almost meaningless.
But for me, these games overarching stories will never be forgotten, and will never, ever be taken for granted.
revelations is at it's best when it embraces the past, embraces the fact that it is the end to this chapter of assassins creed, leaning on gameplay mechanics of old whilst continuing the growth and evolution of the characters

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