GeoAI: Applying Machine Learning and Deep Learning to Geospatial Data

Описание к видео GeoAI: Applying Machine Learning and Deep Learning to Geospatial Data

This webinar was hosted by IEEE GRSS Gujarat Section.
The speaker is Rohit Singh, Managing Direction, Esri R&D Center, India

The field of Artificial Intelligence has made rapid progress in recent years, matching or in some cases, even surpassing human accuracy at tasks such as computer vision, natural language processing and machine translation. The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and GIS is creating massive opportunities that were not possible before. AI, machine learning and deep learning are helping us make a better world by helping increase crop yield through precision agriculture, in fighting crime by deploying predictive policing models, or predicting when the next big storm will hit and being better equipped to handle it. GIS has traditionally used machine learning tools for prediction, classification and clustering. One area of AI that has emerged in recent years is deep learning, and it has done exceedingly well in computer vision tasks. This is particularly useful for GIS, as satellite, aerial and drone imagery is being produced at a rate that makes it impossible to analyze and derive insight in a timely manner through traditional means. This demo-rich session will showcase several examples of applying AI, machine learning, and deep learning to geospatial data. We will cover several scenarios of applying the machine learning and deep learning techniques to geospatial data.

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