Simple Site Layout and Grading Tools

Описание к видео Simple Site Layout and Grading Tools

26:17: Our Civil and Survey Manager (formerly known as the Grading Manager) includes some easy-to-use tools designed to help you lay out a plan in AutoCAD with Northing/Easting points, Spot Elevations, and Slope Callouts. We'll go over a few basic examples showing how these tools work, and provide some tips on how to incorporate them into your construction documentation workflow.
0:00: Intro/TOC
3:23: What Does "Simple" Mean?
5:35: CAD Demo
6:57: Civil and Survey Manager Intro
15:29: Civil/Survey Legend
17:09: Northing/Easting Points
26:17: N/E Series Numbering
35:29: Spot Elevations and Slope Callouts
48:27: Slope Areas
53:32: Spot Elevation Z Align


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