10 signs you are an old soul sure signs
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Powerful galactic beings, welcome back to another video. Have you ever had a feeling of being a little cut off from others? In your opinion, why are people so preoccupied with little dramas and problems when there are more essential things to worry about? That could mean you have an old soul. Anyone can be an old soul, from little toddlers who are remarkably patient and sympathetic to young people who always seem to have wise advice to offer. Here are eleven indications that you or someone you're close to has an old soul, regardless of whether you believe it to be due to how they were raised or whether they are an incarnation of some universal power. The Real Meaning of "Old Soul". You can usually tell when someone has an old soul. They probably present as mature, well-adjusted, unpretentious, and intelligent beyond their years. The idea of an "old soul" is "someone who keeps on reincarnating to heal or complete karmic agreements," according to intuitive counselor Randi Merzon. Our bodies are seen to be vessels for the spirit. Of course, based on your beliefs and relationship to spirituality, another way of understanding old souls is to assume that we are all possible incarnated versions of the same universal life force and that those who are considered to be old souls have tapped into that knowledge on a more profound level during their lifetime. Is It A Positive or Negative Thing? Being an old soul frequently only means you see things differently. There is nothing improper about that. Most individuals would contend that having a distinct outlook on life may benefit you and those in your life. Depending on what you do with your understanding, the wider world might be a possibility. Different people are more or less sensitive to their surroundings and other people. One extreme of this spectrum is high sensitivity.
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