Newton buteraba house 🏡 of wealth. Topic is. Self Employment. (Okwekozesa)

Описание к видео Newton buteraba house 🏡 of wealth. Topic is. Self Employment. (Okwekozesa)

‪@thewordofwisdom2013‬ lectures from professor Newton buteraba of house 🏡 of wealth teaching about self employment.

🔷 Self employment (okwekozesa)
It's the gateway to business ( as per H. o.w) it's preparation ground to business

* Here in self employment, your driver of your vehicle not same as in job where they drive you.

Qn 1. Why shld you go into self employment?

* There are five reasons why?
1. It's cheaper than being employed
* Since job is static and self employment is dynamic, they tax your salary before you earn it but in self employment your taxed annually and with many opportunities to deny to authority that business has no profits.

2. You have more time to perform magic.
* On job your limited on time but in self employment time is unlimited
In self employment you utilize your 24hrs wc is not possible in job
Remember: time is money 💵!
So you have time to make magic (osobola okuzanyisa sente)

3. Expression
* it's very difficult to express your self talent when your still on job since the time is limited . Eg Mr bean story)
So here you can express your self when you start up your own business (wezula mangu nga we kozesa) its easy to find your ability.

4. Mathew (25:14-30)
( story about talents)
Here in self employment it's easy to build up /grow up your talent wc is not able on job

5. Mathew (10:5-10)
(Its about changing with waves)
Be dynamic or flexible at every situation happens
In job, if waves change, your affected but in self employment you can just adjust an move on however much situation is hard!

Qn 2. How do we become self employed?

1. Burning desire for financial independence
Mathew (14:28-31)
(About petero walking on water)
One to become self employed you have to be with strong burning desire to be free in finance.

In poor economy, is the best for entrepreneurship to start up something.

2. self berif and self confidence
* if you have both you start to gain faith. If you have both, washes away Fear. This is very important in self employment.

It's advisable to invest in poor economy
Refers to men who build America.
By that time economy was too poor in America.

3. (S P S E)
Suvry, plan, save, exit /Excecute
* suvry. Takes time to do Market research this will help you to do better plan and save the amount of money needed and then exit from job and start u up your own business

4. Start with ventures that have need to community in all conditions
* sale something to community.

Soil have three types
Clay, silit and sand . All have advantages and disadvantages.
When three types mixed together they give you loam soil wc is best soil for plants.
So be loam soil in self employment be with qualities that matters the plant to grow well

* in business means be with all needs that are demanded by public you will be successful.

Continue............ Watching the podcasts for more information about finances and unique ideas with proffesor newton buteraba of house 🏡 of wealth. #how #houseofwealth #financiallyindependent #newtonbuteraba ‪@thewordofwisdom2013‬ Aim is to make ugandan financially free.


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