Hazard Identification, Assessment, and Control - Live Learning Series - EP5

Описание к видео Hazard Identification, Assessment, and Control - Live Learning Series - EP5

The formal job hazard assessment, or the formal hazard assessment. This is sometimes called a job hazard analysis as well. . Last episode we looked at the process of applying controls after assessing risk. Well let's put the whole process together. In this episode I will share a couple of ways to perform that formal hazard assessment, or job hazard analysis, whatever you want to to call it.
This is a hazard identification, assessment, and control, a live learning series. The foundational element of health and safety is hazard identification, assessment, and control. However, the process is often neglected or ignored in favour of getting the job done. This puts workers at risk and of course exposes the organization to even greater risk. Join me as we work through the process of identifying hazards, assessing them for risk, including quantifying for risk and understanding the proper implementation of controls.


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