Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Analysis - 19 Years Later

Описание к видео Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Analysis - 19 Years Later

Intro: 0:00
Development: 3:09
Gameplay: 12:59
Story: 25:33
Conclusion: 45:56
Author's Note: 47:47

Written, Edited, and Voiced by Alex Curtis
  / mechassault_man  

SMT Nocturne Footage: MasterLL, JohneAwesome, BuffMaister, SuperButterBuns,
SMT 2 Footage: BuffMaister
SMT 4 Footage: JohneAwesome
SMT 4 Apocalypse Footage: BuffMaister
Persona 4 Footage: ComicFoil
Persona 5 Footage: JohneAwesome
SMT Nocturne Remastered Footage: Nyarly, BuffMaister, Shirrako, Analog Vernacular,
Pokemon Platinum Footage: SmallAnt
SMT Nocturne Behind the Scenes (Translated):    • Shin Megami Tensei III Making Of (Eng...  
SMT Nocturne Behind the Scenes (Full, untranslated):    • Making of Shin Megami Tensei III: Noc...  
The Cutting Room Floor:

Music Used:
SMT Nocturne OST - Shoji Meguro
Danger - Etro Anime


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