SpaceX Boca Chica - From SN5 re-hop preps to SN9 sleeving - A busy Spaceport

Описание к видео SpaceX Boca Chica - From SN5 re-hop preps to SN9 sleeving - A busy Spaceport

From Starship SN5 being prepared for a re-hop, SN6's preps for a maiden hop, through to SN9 taking shape, it's all go at SpaceX Boca Chica! All while the orbital launch mount build continues and the High Bay grows.

(Lengthy) Video and Photos from Mary (@BocaChicaGal). Edited by Nicholas Gautschi (@NGautschi)

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L2 Boca Chica (more clips and photos) from BC's very early days to today.
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0:00 - Starship SN5 Rolled Out Of Mid Bay
3:42 - Mass Simulator Install Preps; Tank Farm Replenish
4:41 - Break Time Under The Hopper; Why Not, Right?
5:11 - Tuesday Sunrise
5:37 - High Bay Level 4; Prepares for Roofing
9:15 - Orbital Launch Mount Preps
12:30 - Sn5 Re-Hop Preparations; COPV Swapout
14:54 - Second Launch Mount
15:54 - SN6 Hop Preps
16:24 - SN9 Forward Dome Sleeving
17:33 - Header Tank
17:48 - Nosecone Section


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