Объект 263 - Некомпетентная вражеская команда

Описание к видео Объект 263 - Некомпетентная вражеская команда

Endgame Medals Received: Bruiser, Duelist, Fighter, Fire for Effect, Shellproof, Steel Wall, High Caliber

Game Statistics:
Map: Mountain Pass
Player: Armageddon2030 [AWELL]
Damage: 10198
Damage blocked by armor: 4660

The Object 263 is a Soviet tier 9 tank destroyer.

The development of a heavy tank destroyer on the basis of the IS-7 heavy tank was started in 1950. Three design projects were developed, one of which resulted in a full-size wooden prototype. However, further development was discontinued due to phasing out mass-production of the IS-7.

The Object 263 was once among the ranks of Tier X Russian Tank Destroyers (before being replaced with Object 268 Version 4 in patch 9.22). Affectionately nicknamed the "The Boot of Stalin", it was well-known for its rapid-firing gun with high DPM, unexpectedly strong frontal armor, and great mobility.

The Object 263 is now a Tier IX vehicle with toned down parameters. It has become a cumbersome "Assault Gun" with poor dispersion, poor DPM, reduced traverse speed, and weaker side armor. It retains its good top speed and excellent frontal armor but this vehicle's glory days are long since gone.

Always avoid getting flanked while playing this vehicle, as your sides and rear won't stand any shots. Sidescraping in this vehicle is not generally recommended due to weakspots and its easy-to-hit ammorack. Facehugging other tanks is highly advised against as your engine deck is a large and very easily hit weakpoint, especially if the other vehicle is tall.

The mobility on the Object 263 is rather flexible, with great acceleration and top speed, allowing it to get into position quickly and support your team where needed. Another defect of this tank is the non-enclosed superstructure, exposing the crew and critical interior components. Direct hits from artillery will devastate you if they hit the open cabin, or leave you quite battered.

The Object 263 leads to the Object 268 Version 4.

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