Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag PC Vs Playstation 4 Head to Head Graphics Comparison & Analysis

Описание к видео Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag PC Vs Playstation 4 Head to Head Graphics Comparison & Analysis
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Now that the next generation consoles are released, let's kick off our first graphic comparison and analysis with the next gen vs a high end PC. And what better way than to start our head to head battle than Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed 4 for the PC and Playstation 4?
Let's set up a few ground rules first. The Playstation 4 version is fully patched, which adds anti-aliasing (no one likes the jaggies!) and changes the internal rendering resolution from 900P to the magical figure of 1080P. The title runs at a locked 30FPS. As some of you may know, 900P vs 1080P is a hot debate right now -- especially with the so called 'resolution-gate' going on. Ubisoft managed to get AC4 running at 1080P after the title was launched (more on this later on).
For the PC version -- I am running the PC version of AC4 Black Black at the following settings: Resolution 1080P, Enviroment Quality Very High, texture quality high, MSAA x2, Soft Shadows (High), Reflection Quality: High, Motion Blur On, Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+ (high), God Rays: High and Volumetric Fog enabled. You'll notice a few of those options -- such as Texture Quality are 'only' set to high -- what gives? Well, it's their highest setting. If you don't believe me, watch the video where I select each option to prove it's the highest. Well okay -- why MSAA at only 2X? Well, true the PC version of Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag can go to 4X MSAA, or even 8X, but that's not very fair to the console versions. I figure it's fairest on the Playstation 4 version of Black Flag to keep at a sensible level of AA rather than x4 or higher.


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