HMONG FOOD RECIPES: Grandma's Pulled Pork with Mustard Greens & Ginger, Nqaij Tsaws nrog Zaub Ntsuab

Описание к видео HMONG FOOD RECIPES: Grandma's Pulled Pork with Mustard Greens & Ginger, Nqaij Tsaws nrog Zaub Ntsuab

HOW TO MAKE TRADITIONAL HMONG FOOD RECIPES | Grandma's Shredded Pork with Mustard Greens & Ginger, Nqaij Tsaws nrog Zaub Ntsuab thiab Qhiav, HMONG ASMR Cooking


Details on the blog:

My first video since moving to the new place. It's not as great as I'd like but I'm still working on the kinks and trying to get back into the motions. It'll take some time for me to get used to recording in this smaller space. Thanks for understanding and being patient. Catch me on IG to keep up with my everyday:

This dish might bring back many childhood memories for Hmong adults. A classic dish that grandma’s would make for their grandchildren to enjoy when they were younger. I think that these days, this dish is not as popular among the modern day parent because it is so incredibly unhealthy and people are much more conscious about what they in eat. If your grandma or mom didn’t make this for you to eat then I promised you missed out. Here’s your chance to make it for yourself, your own child or grandchildren so they will be able to enjoy it like I did.

There are different variations of this dish, my mom always added only mustard greens but my husband mentioned that his grandma would put loads of ginger in hers. I’ve only had it with mustard greens or picked sour bamboo shoots. This was my very first time that I ever added the ginger. Hmong cooking is great because we really shouldn’t use much to season except for salt. Using only salt to season our dishes allows for the natural flavors to shine versus hide behind others.

By the way, I started this in blog form so head on over there for more details:

About Us:
BONNTAUB - Pronounced “Bahn-Thou” Bahn as in Bahn mi, and Thou as in Thou shall not eat the last fry! It’s a mashup of our names “Bonnie = Bon” and “Tao = Ntaub” in Hmong.

I always loved creativity but was always told it was not a realistic career so I decided to become a mechanical engineer. Tao always loved photography and videography so for our first Christmas together, I got him the latest GoPro. We have both always loved cooking and ate most of our meals at home. Bonntaub was started from my love of cooking for him and the happiness and joy in his face when he eats my food.

From this partnership of creativity, love for food & addiction to traveling; we now combine all of our passions into this! Our goal is to show the world how easy it is to cook at home with basic ingredients & showcasing the most delicious food in the cities we travel.

Join us on our journey!

Social Media Links:
Instagram:   / bonntaub  
Facebook:   / bonntaub  

Camera: Canon EOS m50
Mic: Rode Video Micro Compact

Disclaimer: I am here to create videos that make me happy (whether it's in videography or sharing my love for food). I do not measure my ingredients and I will not create recipes on this channel. If there is something you really want to learn to make, there are plenty of other YouTube videos that can teach you exact measurements and recipes. I am simply here to show the food that I enjoy eating, making & creating so thank you for joining me on this journey. If there are any general questions you want to ask why or how I do something, I'll do my best to respond but I will not give exact measurements. Thank you for understanding.

#hmongfood #hmong #hmongrecipe


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