Trombone Champ (Nintendo Switch) - First 25 minutes, songs list, modes, testing control schemes

Описание к видео Trombone Champ (Nintendo Switch) - First 25 minutes, songs list, modes, testing control schemes

This is an overview of Trombone Champ played on the Nintendo Switch. In it, I'm showing all the songs available in the Switch ports, along many of the different control schemes for the game (motions, joystick, sensor). This is my first time with the game at all, so enjoy the horibleness of my performance.

00:00 - Starting the game
02:32 - Warm-up
04:55 - Songs list
08:30 - Random songs
14:58 - Trying IR Motion Camera control
17:22 - Trying Sticks control (failure, going back to Tilts control)
20:38 - Game modes
23:34 - One last song


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